Sunday, April 16, 2006

Great weekend

Took a ride to Pine Point County Park with Lynn on Sunday. She had a chance to check out her freshly single-speeded Trek. I went through the bike top to bottom this winter and it rides nice. It's an older Trek Mountainbike. She seems to like it. Considering it's rare that I've ever heard her shift, it seemed like a logical move. Short ride, but a beautiful day. She's a slow rider, and has no desire to do much distance, but we had a good time. I cooled the pace and just enjoyed.

Did the Easter thing today. Feasted and sat in the sun and shot the breeze. I had just enough time to get in a quick 15 mile drive after getting home this eve. I left without my tire repair kit or pump, but I did have my cell. I found out the battery was out of juice so no lifeline there. Perfect test for the new GatorSkins. No flats and they rode decent. The Gitane is a mid-70's ten speed. Decent bike weight wise and super plush ride. The tires seems to be a little more stable than what I'd had before. Believe me, you'll hear about it if I get a flat on these tires. Nothing could be worse than the glass magnets I'd been using.

Got to say that the Brooks B17 saddle on this bike is the most comfortable saddle I've ever used. I was a little uncomfortable with this saddle when it was new. The main issue I had at first with it was that is was too slippery. A half-years worth of riding took the slip out of the hide and now I have nothing negative to report. I hear that not everyone cares for the Brooks saddles. All I can say is that I pay no attention to the saddle when I'm out on a long ride. Double thumbs up from me.

Enjoy the ride.


Blogger Nathan said...

Hey! I've got an old Gitane ten-speed, too! It's got an order of magnitude fewer speeds now, but still... I've been liking it. I bought it last summer to see if the fixed-gear thing was really for me and it suffered a bit this winter - too bad for it I was able to get studded tires under the stock rear fender! ;) I'm now thinking to get it blasted and powdercoated.

Definitely gonna have to get me a B.17 for the new ride in a few weeks (knock on wood). I've heard too many good things about it not to. I'll just be sure to find a shower cap for it when it has to be left out in the rain. And, I'm thinking I might do the mutilation thing to it, too.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Jim said...

You are far more brave than I am. I don't think I could bring myself to do the mutilation thing. I'm too comfortable and content with the status quo. The picts do make it look tempting. Even more so when you see the price on the other Brooks saddles.

I do love my Gitane. I'll get some pictures posted one of these days.

5:04 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

and...I need to get my act together and get a shower cap for my saddle.

5:05 PM  

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